Wednesday, July 30, 2008

#2: Why


I have been thinking about starting a blog for a while now. Truth be told, being the proud Dad to a 21-month year old was a convenient excuse as to why I never got around to starting. Now that the sleep deprivation stage of being a parent is long gone, I realized if this was ever going to happen, I just needed to get on with it.

Why do I want to bother and why does anyone need yet another blog?

The first part of this question is easy. I find stuff interesting. Or rather, in a very illogical piece of circular logic, the stuff I find interesting is really interesting - to me. So starting a blog is about catching my thoughts and ideas on what I stumble across. I hope that others find what I find interesting, but whatever the case, I want to see if I can articulate some analysis and insights about the world we live in. And keep it interesting.

As to why does anyone need another blog? They don't. All I will say is that while I like a lot of other marketing blogs out there, I think there is a gap as far thinking about media/coms strategy. This may simply be because the majority of blogs I follow are written by technologists and/or brand planners. I think my career and experiences, from the get go in pure media, gives me something different. I hope so anyway.


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